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Training diversity in industry and crafts

Trainee start

Mühlhausen. Seven apprentices started their careers at FISCHER Licht & Metall on September 1, 2018. Five construction mechanics and two electrical system assemblers will learn the diversity of industrial series production and professional craftsmanship over the next three years.

"Our apprentices have the unique opportunity to learn high-tech machine technology and down-to-earth craftsmanship in 7 trades in one company," says production manager Benjamin Köbl, who himself did his apprenticeship at FISCHER.

Stephan K. Fischer, Managing Director of the company, which has been family-run for 90 years, emphasized the importance of solid training: "We are proud of the dedicated commitment of our 200 employees, who are highly competent in passing on the spirit of FISCHER Licht & Metall to the next generation of employees in all departments. With this multi-layered foundation, our trainees of today have the best future prospects for the world of tomorrow."