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Eight newcomers start at FISCHER Licht & Metall

Young skilled workers

Mühlhausen. On September 1, eight apprentices started their careers at FISCHER Licht & Metall this year.

Six young adults opted for the training profession of construction mechanic and one for the profession of electronics technician for industrial engineering. A novelty is the high school graduation program in cooperation with the VWA Ostbayern. As part of this program, one female technical college graduate is being trained as a business administrator (VWA).

With this year's new additions, there are now 25 trainees in three cohorts in the company. This puts the company at the absolute top of the national average with a trainee ratio of over 12%. In the course of their 3 to 3.5-year training period, the skilled workers of tomorrow will get to know the various departments and gain valuable professional experience at FISCHER Licht & Metall.

Stephan K. Fischer, Managing Director of the 200-employee company, on the importance of junior staff: "By investing in our own future skilled workers, we are securing our long-term and sustainable success. The in-depth knowledge of our employees is of very great importance to us as a producer of high-quality branded illuminated advertising."